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vFFR FAST I study published!

Pie Medical Imaging proudly announces the publication of the FAST I study in EuroIntervention.

Pie Medical Imaging proudly announces the publication of the FAST I study in EuroIntervention.

16 May 2019
Topic: Caas Workstation

Contact information

An excellent correlation between angiographically derived CAAS vFFR and invasively measured FFR (r=0.89) has been demonstrated by the team of Erasmus Medical Center (The Netherlands). Please click here for the publication: Eurointervention 

We kindly invite you to join us next week at EuroPCR in Paris where Dr. Joost Daemen will present the FAST I Extended study. This study shows the performance of CAAS vFFR in an even larger patient cohort (Wednesday May 22nd Room 353 at 16:00).