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Valvular flow quantification using CAAS MR 4D Flow is internationally clinical acceptable!

27 February 2020
Topic: Caas MR Solutions

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In the session 'Highlights from SCMR 2020' dr. Michael Markl presented the results of the CAAS MR Solutions Multicenter study (120 patients, 8 centers). The study shows a consistency in valvular 4D flow assessment using different MRI platforms at multiple CMR centers worldwide.  The centers used CAAS MR 4D Flow, a software solution developed by Pie Medical Imaging, which allows semi-automated flow assessment over all four heart valves. The inter-observer and inter-site variability was comparable for all sites. The net forward volume was consistent and clinically acceptable for all observers.

If you want more information, please connect with us through LinkedIn and/or by email: pmi-sales@pie.nl.

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