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Promising results of the FAST OUTCOME trial

06 November 2019
Topic: Caas Workstation

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There is growing adoption of post-PCI functional measurements. The team of Erasmus Medical Center (The Netherlands( investigated the correlation between post-PCI CAAS vFFR measurement with clinical outcome in a large patient cohort of 810 patients in the so-called FAST OUTCOME trial which was presented at TCT 2019 by Dr  Kaneshka Masdjedi.

The study showed that there is a strong trend towards future event rates when post-PCI vFFR ≤ 0.90. There was a significant difference in TVR (target vessel revascularization) between patients groups with vFFR ≤0.90 and > 0.9.

A summary can be found here: http://www.onlinejacc.org/content/74/13_Supplement/B110

Interested to learn more about CAAS vFFR?  Please contact us for a demo!