
Contact mail: pmi@pie.nl

Exclusive web masterclass series on Cardiac MRI Analysis by Dr. (major) Vimal Raj

15 January 2021
Topic: Caas MR Solutions

Contact information

Pie Medical Imaging is proud to announce to facilitate dedicated web masterclasses on Cardiac MRI analyses in collaboration with Dr. (major) Vimal Raj. Dr. Raj is a renowned cardiothoracic radiologist and head of the Cardiothoracic Imaging Unit (CIU) of Narayana Hrudayalaya (NH) Bangalore, India.

The online masterclasses welcomes physicians from around the world that are active in the Cardiac MRI arena. The masterclass series will be focused on ventricular analysis and 2D flow and extend to 4D flow in the second half of 2021. With six (6) web masterclasses planned this year, Dr. Raj hopes to broaden the horizon of radiologists around the world.

Some features of the web masterclass:

·         Access to CAAS MR Solutions for reporting of cases.
·         Exclusive high-quality video tutorials by Dr. Raj.
·         Interactive live online discussion (5 sessions) with Dr. Raj.
·         Access to DICOM data of 30 well worked up cases for learning and reporting practice.
·         Intuitive learning platform where all your course material is kept with recordings of the interactive sessions.

For more information and to register for the web-masterclass visit: Cardiac MR Analysis masterclass

For more information on CAAS MR Solutions: Caas MR Solutions :: Pie medical imaging

Contact us at: pmi@pie.nl

